Monday, January 28, 2008

Substantive Post 2, on The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

I must say, I really enjoyed the book - my favorite part was the use of language. The fact that everything is interspersed with Russian makes me feel like this is a commentary on the Soviet Union, because of the obvious other factors - russian language and names, revolution against an unfair Authority, a professor (symbol of intelligence) who is basically as individualistic as humanly possible, and so forth. I am also amused that the person that is "opted" into the leadership position of the first cell of the Revolution has the moon's version of Skynet (ie Mike/Michelle) as his best friend, and that he is polygamus.... and stable. What an interesting character he is - I am curious about what people will make of him in class this week.

My other favorite excerpt from the book is when the Professor is describing his political views and says he is a rational anarchist. He goes on to say that it means he knows he is in an imperfect world, but wants to live a perfect life - by which he means he is trying to lie to himself that he is imperfect too. I don't know why, but something about his explanation struck a chord with me. I also enjoyed his discussion of the fact that if there are H-missiles (which there are), its still one person in control of whether to use them or not, reducing all concepts of blame and guilt to individual decisions. Now, what he would say to problems that are the cause of many people making the same poor choice collectively at the same time? Maybe he'd say chance, but I might be inclined to disagree...


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