Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Class 1/29

Well one thing is for sure, PTJ was right in that we did not have time to cover a huge number of the things in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. But hey, what can you do?
This is a book that I would actually be quite interested to see somebody try to make a film version of. Clearly, the book would be far superior, but since there is no way you could make it all into a film it would be interesting to see the choices made as to what would be cut.
There is one thing about today's discussion that I am not really sure was properly done. We all went with the assumption that Mike chose to shut himself down, at least his "human" aspects. We essentially ignored the possibility that he may have actually "died" in the sense that he may have been damaged and unable to reproduce his humanesque elements anymore.
I'm also still a little ambiguous on what combinations of factors actually led to the situation presented in the book. Yes, we talked about it for quite some time, but our answers were by no means exhaustive.
Oh and my answer to the question: would men be valued if Luna had AU's population? Ah, no.

1 comment:

Mr_Brefast said...

I strongly agree with your last comment - by and far, the population ratio is what the professor was looking into, but in terms of generic people. This campus has an extremely different dynamic between genders than probably any other one. The position held by Women's Initiative guarantees that.