Monday, January 28, 2008

Reflection, Class 2

This is a bit late, but I do have something regarding the class discussion that stuck with me this whole week. In the midst of the conversation, when I brought up capitalism and communism as having roles in the book (incorrectly as it were), a whole bunch of people had a point to make all of a sudden. I then sat back and listened to where the conversation was going, and I was surprised by one of the eventual comments: "its like the perfect working class - people who only want to eat and work." While this was a joking comment about the apparent previous state of the Morlocks, I think I took something more from it. For most of history, the majority of the Earth's population has lived at a subsistence level - meaning they worked in order to survive, and then slept, and then repeated the process each and every day. Although not all of them enjoyed it, there is something to be said for manual labor as a wholly, lastingly satisfying endeavor. To use an outside source, as Morgan Freeman playing God put it in Bruce Almighty:

Just like your father.
He didn’t mind rolling up his sleeves either, son.
People underestimate the benefits of
good old manual labor.
Just think a minute.
Some of the happiest people in the world,
go home smelling to high heaven at the end of the day.

There is more to that quote than many people DO realize - I can attest to it personally. That said, the Morlocks have appeared to have moved beyond their supposed work/eat/smile phase, and this may be a moot point. I still wanted to say something about it, however.

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