Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Class 2/26

To begin with I just have to say that this was, I believe, one of the more interesting thus far. In the discussion we covered more of our previous works than we have yet to refer back to. We mentioned how we could change the conversation with a time machine in reference to Wells, we compared Yod to Mike from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, we discussed the Borg from Star Trek, we compared the civilizations with the Duniverse, Akira was mentioned, as was The Fifth Element, and we even alluded to the stories we are going to encounter with Blade Runner and V for Vendetta.
In our discussion of Heinlein, we debated whether Mike could be held morally responsible for his actions. Here we have taken the next step in debating whether or not he is actually human. The fact that this was the primary discussion point and that there are characters in this book that are our peers is needless to say a little unnerving.
As far as the administrative stuff we talked about I agree that the Wiki does appear to be faltering but once all of the outside posts are up I feel like it will start to come around.
Most importantly it is time to read V for Vendetta which I have been looking forward to all semester, yeah!


Jennifer said...

Well, I've got the wiki for V for Vendetta so I hope I don't disappoint. :)

Tim said...

I'll be waiting for it. I am just about to start reading it literally as I click publish on this comment so I am ready to see how you take it.