Saturday, May 3, 2008

Class 4/22

I was glad to hear that I was not the only one who felt that the writing was far below the first book.

I also liked how several people brought up the fact that it seemed like Russell did not quite know how to explain certain events so she seemed to put forth a story that did not really fit with the information provided in the first book or even within the second.

To me I feel like the most prominent thing I took from the discussion was that the book was not quite as bad as I thought but I still don't like it. Granted I don't like the other book either but this at least makes the whole thing tolerable.

The whole discussion about the nature of the otherness in the alien societies was very interesting especially having watched Contact on Thursday. The nature of the difficulties of communication between one species and another is one of the most challenge to tackle in Sci-Fi.

We couldn't really agree on whether or not Russell managed to pull it off but I think we were able to establish that this was one of the lesser concerns within this book considering nobody has really gotten a solution that is failsafe.

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