Monday, April 21, 2008

The Conquest of America: Post-Class Reaction

One of the main thoughts that lingered in my mind after class, was how does knowledge affect human interaction? We discussed at length the different ways Cortez and Columbus used information, and the book talked about the different ways cultures processed information. So my question is what type of culture is better prepared for cross-cultural interaction, a primitive one or an advanced one, or does that have no effect? Is a culture that values superstitions over science a better or worse communicator? First world countries claim to be very worldly and understanding, but does their broad knowledge actually hinder them because it makes them view themselves as superior and thus act condescending?

I also wondered about how does learning about another culture change you. Because one can’t simply be a removed observer, by interacting with an “other” you are bound to undergo at least a slight change. I guess over all our classes discussion once again really made me think about what communication should be like, what is the right way to interact with others.

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Rinske said...
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