Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Politics as a Vocation: Post-class Reaction

It was indeed and interesting discussion. I find that questions like the ones we attempted to answer impossible to answer for a variety of reasons. One being that it all depends on how one defies the word or the term. For example in our discussion we didn’t have a concrete idea of what a messiah is, like who gives the messiah authority: is it the people who decide, something that is self-proclaimed, or is I granted by a great force that is at work in the universe? Since we do not know the answer or the answer can only be based on personal belief, it is impossible to come up with a unified answer. Another issue is from whose perspective? We ran into the issue well how does a concept travel across culture or religion. And can’t someone be a savior for one group but a pain in the butt to those who the people are being saved from? So can there be a THE Messiah that is the savior of all people, what would he/she be saving the people from? So since everything is subjective and each culture has its own sets of symbols and norm, I think it impossible to come to an all encompassing truth.

1 comment:

Tim said...

I completely agree. There is no way we could ever come up with a complete answer but I do think we did as good a job as we could hope to in the time we had of coming up with the proper definition for the context of our study.