Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reflections, 1/15

Having finished the first day of class, I came away with a few major impressions. First of all, Star Trek may now have some merit in my eyes. Let me explain: I encountered Star Wars as a kid, and was therefore always partial to it. Secondly, and somewhat silly to say, is that Star Trek frightened me a lot as a small child when I watched it at night, and so I never really got into it (I read a study once saying that things that scare one as a child stay with them for the rest of their lives - this may be the case with me). In any event, all of what was mentioned about the deep philosophical nature of the Star Trek series (particularly the professor's comment about it exploring liberal democracy, which resonated with me). I also appreciated some of the comments that other people made on the subject.

Finally, I also was interested to hear that there was such a variety of experiences and interests represented in the room, and how that will affect the discussion (positively, I hope).

Thats it for this one.



Tim said...

I have had a similar experience with the Star Wars/Star Trek debacle. The main difference being I did not watch Star Trek as a kid not because it scared me but it was too involved. I wanted to watch something that would give me instant entertainment without much thought. Star Wars did that as we said it is a more of a fairy tale, clearly meant to be easily understood by all. I have never really had any particular motivation as I got older to begin watching any Star Trek but now the opportunity has presented itself and like you, I hope that the varying levels of experience in the class will lead to some very interesting conversations.

Jennifer said...

Star Trek is pretty interesting. I too have things I refuse to watch due to being scared as a child but fortunately, Star Trek isn't one of them. My dad's one show that he's followed religiously is Star Trek: The Next Generation, so I've seen most of it and all of the next two series.
Star Trek is rather involved, that's true, but at the same time it's pretty easy to understand if someone outlines the basics. So, if you'd like some background, I should be able to help.