Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reflection, Class 1

I guess I'll go ahead and get started on this whole posting thing, while I have the time.

The main thing I think I took away from today's class is the list of elements that make up science fiction. I've always distinguished it from fantasy by the presence of the machinery and technology that's used in science fiction but today all I could think about while we were talking is that science fiction doesn't have much magic, fantasy does.
Lord of the Rings, plenty of magic. Elves have it, the whole age deal and never dying is part of the magic. Harry Potter, well, of course there's magic. The Discworld novels have witches and wizards, so plenty of magic there.
Science fiction, though has spaceships, rockets, phasers, and special engines. Not too much magic. Aliens, sure. But no magic, beyond the already displaced Star Wars.
So there you go, my reflection for the week.

1 comment:

Lena said...

Yea I have read a lot more fantasy than sci-fi and before the sci-fi class last spring and our class discussion I had them on the same level, I knew they were different but not quite how exactly, but that class and this class help me finally put my finger on that difference. Especially the definition our professor used about how sci-fi is more systematic and although it is very imaginative and the technology, races and other components aren't real they are still explained and seem plausible in that world.