Monday, March 17, 2008

Ender's Game

Well, I have just completed Monday having spent the whole night attempting to sleep on a 13 hour train trip and I have already made the Wikipage for this. Therefore I am not totally coherent in order to properly comment on the book.

I do remember one of the things that struck me the most was that I have read something very similar to this. I have no idea what the name of the book was, what the names of the characters were, or really any details about it whatsoever, I just know that this book gave me serious deja vu.
Another work I also thought alot about while reading this was the film, I haven't read the book, Starship Troopers. I guess its kind of superficial because in each the humans were fighting the bugs in space.

I also wonder what everybody else thinks about the way they didn't tell Ender that what he was doing was real. I mean, I understand that it would have made him stop but come on. A little kid has just wiped out an entire civilization and nobody bothered to at least give him a hint.

I really thought it was quite moving that the buggers knew that they were going to be defeated and gave their future into the hands of the boy that wiped them out.

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